Create An Up-Sell Script!

For an Up-Sell to actually sell, it’s not enough that you offer it with a Sales Copy on The Product’s Sales Page only. There is an intricate method to pull off a good Up-Sell Offer. 

However, that is a whole different scope altogether, which is Copy Writing. But, you need to know the basics first. Only when you have a grasp on the basics, can you go on, to attempting to sell valuable deals.

First of all, you would need to establish the reason for owning The Up-Sell.

  • What do these products do for your customers? 
  • How can they help your customers, solve a specific problem?

Let’s go back briefly, to what these products are, because this is an important aspect. Once again, these products are not missing parts of The Front-End Product. They are boosters or catalysts for your customers to use, along with the first product.

So, make the reason for owning this product clear. What can these Up-Sells do for them? Earlier, we mentioned that people would need a helping hand; especially when your product is a Self-Help Product.

That could be the reason you can use, when you’re selling the product. Perhaps, the product in The Up-Sell can be sold as something only for those who are truly serious in succeeding. Establish the difference between what they have and what is best.

One technique you can always count on, for making a sale, is The Scarcity Factor. The Scarcity Factor is an Advertising Technique where the product is made Available Only For A Limited Time!

For example: The offer is only available for one week and after that, the offer will expire! It creates a sense of URGENCY. When the customers see that the deal is available for a short time only; and if they were to miss it, then they would miss it FOREVER!

Only then; would they be more encouraged to make the purchase. The Scarcity Factor works like magic when it comes to closing sales.

A lot of products that you can find online utilize this method, because of how effective it is! Usually, to put a little boost on the method, The Sales Page would incorporate a countdown clock, so that people can see when the deal expires.

With the countdown clock running, the customer would feel compelled to make an immediate decision. With The Scarcity Factor, plus the “buying trance”; generated after making a purchase, it´s most likely that you will close the deal!

When you’re selling something, it’s more important than ever, to have a “Call-To-Action” in Your Sales Copy. The Call-To-Action culminates the whole Sales Pitch. If you are not familiar with The Call-To-Action Technique; It’s The Part of The Copy That Convinces The Customer To Make A Decision.

For example: There’s the “Get This Product Now!” or “Buy Now!” in Almost Every Sales Copy. The whole Copy should be formed to point to The Call-To-Action, because The Call-To-Action Is The Final Step In Securing The Sale!

Ideas For The 2nd & 3rd Up-Sell

So, what kind of product can you sell as a 2nd and 3rd Up-Sell? Again, it’s totally up to you, “the vendor”; to Increase The Value of The Up-Sells. This can be done by including Mega Bonuses in the deal as well!

But, a recommended product to be sold as a 2nd and 3rd Up-Sell, would be a Membership Program. A Membership Program is where The Customers Pay to Have Access to Exclusive Content on The Internet.

Membership Sites are similar. There are many advantages to selling a Membership Program. For starters, it’s a Big-Ticket Product and it costs a lot because of its exclusivity! This means, the access can be sold at a very high price.

Also, a Membership Site can provide a passive, yet steady income. As each member has to pay monthly, meaning that you’ll be paid each and every month! All you have to do is provide the content on a monthly basis.

Here’s a little Tip: You Can Get The Content from a Private Label Rights Product. These are “White Labeled”; so you can repackage and sell them as your own.

Here’s To Your Success!
The GWC Team

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